Empower your Employees

Understand personalities & behaviours

Team Workshop - 1 full day on site


We are all wired differently, and this workshop gives you a unique insight to what makes certain individuals ‘tick’. This in turn gives you a massive advantage when it comes to leading, managing and relating to people, because it highlights how best to communicate, motivate and cultivate positive relationships.

What if your team could learn to become master communicators and understand people in minutes rather than months, improve relationships to advance their careers while avoiding potential conflicts to maintain positive relationships.

Over the course of the session, we will demonstrate how each team member has an important role to play in workplace success and show the tremendous impact an individual can have on an organisation as a whole. 

How you will benefit...

Who is the workshop for?

Executives, CEOs, and managers find immense value in our workshops as they help define clear and achievable people goals. By participating in our workshops, they gain not only answers but also actionable outcomes and tangible results.

What you'll cover...

DISC is a model of human behaviour that positively impacts on team dynamics, so people have a greater understanding of their strengths and how their behaviour preferences impact on others. We understand that if a person communicates to you according to your behavioural preferences, you are more likely to be receptive and respond positively.

The DISC model opens the doorway to effective communication allowing you to modify your language and behaviour to manage people in any given environment. People respond better to people they like and understand. People are different but they are predictably different – During our fun, interactive and insightful training you will learn how to minimise misunderstandings and take the mystery out of everyday interactions with others.

DISC is a tool to positively impact team dynamics, so each person has a greater understanding of themselves, their strengths and how they influence and impact the other members of the team.

By understanding the styles of each person in a team, you will be able to understand people in a way you haven’t experienced before. Communication can be increased, which leads to improved morale, productivity, sharing information, and efficiency in projects.

This knowledge will help you unlock your mind and see people in a totally different light to enable you to unleash your people powers and go on to become a master of motivation and communication.

DISC profiling promotes a collaborative environment, where team members appreciate and respect each other’s contributions, leading to more efficient and creative problem-solving. By recognizing different communication styles, teams can address conflicts more constructively, finding resolutions that suit everyone’s preferences.

Leveraging the strengths of individual team members based on their DISC profiles results in optimised task allocation and increased overall team productivity.

By understanding individual strengths and preferences, teams can clarify roles and responsibilities, ensuring that tasks are assigned to those best suited for them. Teams can use DISC profiling insights to identify areas for growth and development, fostering ongoing learning and improvement within the team.

DISC profiling provides insights into each team member’s communication style, enabling better understanding and more effective communication within the team. Team leaders can adapt their management and communication styles to better support and motivate team members, leading to a more engaged and committed team.

Understanding behavioural tendencies helps team members work together more harmoniously, leveraging each other’s strengths and minimising conflicts.

What people are saying...

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Alternative Workshops

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